
期刊论文 403


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展开 ︾


价值工程 2

数值模拟 2




CO2利用 1

Cas12a 1

Chebyshev多项式 1

Colebrook隐式方程 1

GM(1,1)模型 1

HCG日 1

HY-2 卫星 1

Howard正则型 1

IVF/ICSI 新鲜周期 1

Matlab 1


Preissmann格式 1

RAMI 4.0 1

S 特性 1

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Sustainable design of sanitation system based on material and value flow analysis for urban slum in Indonesia


《环境科学与工程前沿(英文)》 2013年 第7卷 第1期   页码 120-126 doi: 10.1007/s11783-012-0460-5

摘要: Material flow analysis (MFA) and value flow analysis (VFA) were applied to the sanitation system in an urban slum in Indonesia. Based on the results of the MFA and VFA, garbage and excreta disposal costs were evaluated to be 0.7% and 1.1%, respectively, of per capita income. Such value flows seem reasonable in light of the recognized affordability to pay (ATP) standard. However, current excreta disposal methods create negative impacts on downstream populations. Because such disadvantages do not go back to disposers, but passed to downstream, the current value flow structure does not motivate individual toilet users to install treatment facility. Based on current material and value flow structures, a resource recycling sanitation system scenario was examined. Based on VFA, an affordable initial cost for such a system was calculated; this was found to be comparable in price to a cheaper composting toilet that is currently available in the market.

关键词: material flow     value flow     resource recycling system     sustainable design     initial cost     urban slum    

The Building of Papermaking Enterprise’s Recycling Economy Evaluation Index System Based on Value Flow

Zhi-fang Zhou,Jing Ou,Sha-sha Wang,Xiao-hong Chen

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第1期   页码 9-17 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016009

摘要: At present, the research on circular economy has made a lot of substantive results both at home and abroad. But for the papermaking enterprise, which is the representative of the light industry, few studies have analyzed the evaluation index system of circular economy. Since the current material flow analyses have limitations that the researchers cannot calculate materials with different units. The authors take advantage of the intrinsic correlation between the basic principle of value flow analysis and circular economy, and then analyze the dynamic changes of material flow and value flow through enterprises internal production process. Considering the resource output, the authors set up the layered structure of the evaluation index system, and then preliminarily determine the index form. Next, the authors use the frequency statistics analysis method to adjust indicators, forming a preliminary index system. After that, the principal component analysis and independent analysis are applied for screening. Finally, the authors build a circular economy evaluation index system for papermaking enterprise to provide scientific guidance for the process of circular economy.

关键词: circular economy     the papermaking enterprise     material flow analysis     value flow analysis     evaluation index system    

An evaluation model of water-saving reconstruction projects based on resource value flows

Runwen JIANG, Xiaohong CHEN, Lingchu ZHAO, Zhifang ZHOU, Tao ZHANG

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2022年 第9卷 第2期   页码 257-267 doi: 10.1007/s42524-020-0144-y

摘要: Due to uncertainties in water supply, there is growing demand for water resource management in enterprises. In this study, we evaluated the effects of companies’ water-saving reconstruction projects. We used Hina Advanced Materials Company as a case to construct an investment decision model to (1) calculate the internal and external costs of water resources based on circular economic value analysis theory, and (2) locate the level of water resources circulation. We adopted gray situation decision analysis to identify the typical problems that occur in water resource utilization. Moreover, we demonstrated optimization plans for different potential improvements, thereby providing guidance and references for water resource cost management and the comprehensive optimization of environmental benefits. We concluded that the circulation economic value analysis model can effectively display the flow and amount of value derived from water resource flows, thereby providing guidance and suggestions for optimizing water resource flows.

关键词: value flow analysis     ternary materials enterprises     grey situation decision analysis     water resources    


赵敏 ,刘俊艳 ,朱铎先

《中国工程科学》 2022年 第24卷 第4期   页码 53-61 doi: 10.15302/J-SSCAE-2022.04.006


工业互联网是推动工业高质量发展的重要引擎,加快发展工业互联网,有助于我国制造业转型升级,提高国际竞争 力。为构建适用于大、中、小、微企业的工业互联网模型,本文在对国内外工业互联网模型进行分析的基础上,运用系统分 析方法,创新性地提出了由“三维四流六层”空间结构构成的工业互联网生态系统模型。本文分析了工业互联网生态系统模 型的运行机理,即实体流、资源流、数智流及动态价值流运行机理,其中数智流展现出了数据作为新型生产要素在该模型不 同层级、维度的流动价值,说明了企业生产系统和交付产品的智能化水平提升的基本逻辑,同时也阐明了数字化转型的基本 路径。工业互联网生态系统模型强调工业属性,通过案例实证研究,本文验证了该模型在助力企业深刻认知工业互联网演进 及实现路径、融入工业互联网平台的有效性。

《一、 前言》

一、 前言


国内学者对工业互联网的研究,从技术层面看集中于网络、平台、安全和数据等功能体系,涉及对平台架构设计、标准体系、安全、评价指标等方面。相关研究内容包括:提出面向产业发展需求的工业互联网标准体系框架,涵盖基础共性、网络、数据、平台、安全等方面 [1];从技术角度对工业互联网平台建设涉及的设备、数据、网络等要素给出理论说明 [2];从技术角度提出工业互联网的基本概念,分析工业互联网体系架构及关键技术 [3,4];构建工业互联网平台评价指标,以期通过评价指标的建立指导工业互联网平台良性发展 [5];从加强核心技术的自主研发与应用的角度出发,提出企业是工业互联网的主体,要进一步完善工业互联网标准体系建设等 [6]。在应用层面,相关研究主要集中在消费互联网融通发展方面。相关研究内容涵盖:在对国内平台型企业如海尔COSMOPlat、浪潮云、阿里云进行分析对比的基础上,总结得出工业互联网平台特征,并提出工业互联网的工业端内容有待进一步深入研究 [7,8];从分析工业互联网技术在农机供应链创新结构与运作模式、航空装备复杂协同制造、流程工业智能化制造等方面的应用出发,凝练了适用于中小企业的工业互联网体系建设与模型 [9~11];从工业互联网视角提出制造业转型升级的生态治理逻辑,并指出这不仅是企业供应链生态,更是从企业、政府两个方面解读转型升级的生态构成 [12];提出工业互联网平台可促进资本配置结构优化、实现价值共创 [13,14]。


《二、 工业互联网模型再认知》

二、 工业互联网模型再认知

《(一) 国内外现有工业互联网参考模型及对比分析》

(一) 国内外现有工业互联网参考模型及对比分析



表1 国内外工业互联网相关参考模型概况

模型名称 制定组织
RAMI4.0 德国工业4.0平台
SMS 美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST)
IIRA 工业互联网联盟(IIC)
智能制造系统架构(IMSA) 中国国家智能制造标准化总体组
物联网概念模型 国际标准化组织和国际电工委员会第一联合技术委员会物联网工作组(ISO/IEC JTC1/WG10)
电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)物联网参考模型 IEEE物联网体系框架标准工作组(IEEE P2413)
国际电信联盟(ITU)物联网参考模型 ITU物联网和智慧城市研究组(ITU-T SG20)
物联网架构参考模型 物联网协议联盟(oneM2M)
全局三维图 国际标准化组织自动化系统与集成技术委员会(ISO/TC184)
智能制造标准路线图框架 法国国家制造创新网络(AIF)
IVRA 日本工业价值链计划(IVI)
智能制造总体架构(IMGA) 中国工程院
工业互联网体系架构2.0 中国信息通信研究院



表2 典型工业互联网参考模型对比

模型 特点 中国企情
RAMI4.0 三维模型,以数字工厂为基本单元,以管理壳为赋能工具,实现纵向、端到端、横向3个方面的集成,要求有较强的工业生态基础,较好的数字化和标准基础 绝大多数企业不具备较好的数字化和标准基础,纵向集成有待完善,端到端普遍做不好,横向集成因缺乏统一规则而极难促成
SMS 三维模型,聚焦3个生命周期的数字化管理,基于企业系统与控制系统集成国际标准ISA95构建“制造金字塔”,要求较高的管理标准化水平,强调制造生态 绝大多数企业不具备较高的管理标准化水平,对产品、生产、业务3个生命周期普遍管理不到位
IIRA 三维模型,以企业为单元,要求企业具备良好的标准和信息技术基础,平台具有跨行业能力 绝大多数企业的管理标准化水平和信息技术水平欠佳,企业平台不具备跨行业能力,或尚未建立平台
IVRA 三维模型,倡导以人为本,精益管理思想深入人心,强调工厂生态 绝大多数企业工业工程管理技术薄弱,精益管理尚未普及
工业互联网体系架构2.0 三维模型,要求企业具备良好的功能架构能力与技术体系,企业积累较多数据,有较强数据建模能力 绝大多数企业没有企业架构概念,技术体系十分薄弱甚至尚未建立,缺乏数据及数据建模能力



(3)IIRA模型是由美国工业互联网联盟(IIC)提出的一种工业互联网参考架构模型,曾经与RAMI 4.0进行对标。IIRA比较强调架构,适用于IIC成员和工业物联网社区架构师进行操作,实施基础要求企业具备良好的标准和信息技术基础,同样也不适用于绝大多数国内企业。





《(二) 工业互联网认知误区辨析》

(二) 工业互联网认知误区辨析

《1. 工业互联网并非仅是信息基础设施》

1. 工业互联网并非仅是信息基础设施

工业互联网不仅是“产品 ‒ 人 ‒ 机 ‒ 料 ‒ 法 ‒ 环 ‒ 测”等工业端的技术联接,也不仅是其运行机理的映射,还包含了这些工业端的管理关系、工艺关系、生产组织、上下游实体供应链等关系网络的映射。工业现场数据一直与其所依附的工业端发生着密不可分的高频互动,以复杂的数据种类映射着更为复杂的工业现场关系网络。数据按照所映射的工业现场关系网络进行传递、穿透和加载,按照给定工业机理模型和算法进行计算、分析和推理,最后做出解决工业现场实际问题的业务决策 / 预测。


《2. 工业互联网并非仅是物联网》

2. 工业互联网并非仅是物联网

进入21世纪以来,物联网产业蓬勃兴起,物理实体正在越来越大的范围内实现互联互通。工业互联网是基于工业以太网 / 工控网、工业物联网而建立的工业原生互联网络。“工业现场+工业端”既是产生问题的本体和土壤,也是解决问题的资源和抓手。工业物联网聚焦工业领域,以工业现场的“产品 ‒ 人 ‒ 机 ‒ 料 ‒ 法 ‒ 环 ‒ 测”等工业端为基本资源和联接、赋能对象,具有较强的工业属性;而物联网联接范围更广,主要联接的是不具备工业属性的实物端,二者有较大区别。

《3. 工业互联网并非仅是技术网络》

3. 工业互联网并非仅是技术网络


《4. 工业互联网并非仅是大企业的领地》

4. 工业互联网并非仅是大企业的领地



《三、 工业互联网生态系统模型构建及机理》

三、 工业互联网生态系统模型构建及机理

《(一) 工业互联网生态系统》

(一) 工业互联网生态系统



图1 IIEM结构图

《(二) 工业互联网生态系统模型的构成要素》

(二) 工业互联网生态系统模型的构成要素

《1. 工业实体》

1. 工业实体


《2. 资源》

2. 资源

资源是工业互联网生态系统不可缺失的第二类核心要素,“产品 ‒ 人 ‒ 机 ‒ 料 ‒ 法 ‒ 环 ‒ 测”构成了企业的资源网络体系。产品的优质高效完成过程是资源汇聚、工艺实现、产品价值持续提升乃至企业价值提升的过程。其间,订单驱动资源不断动态流动,不断改变资源的属性,形成了资源流,以资源维予以描述。

《3. 数据》

3. 数据


《4. 知识》

4. 知识


《(三) 工业互联网生态系统模型结构》

(三) 工业互联网生态系统模型结构



四流,即实体流、资源流、数智流和动态价值流。在“三维”上都有表达本维度业务特征的流,三流合一构成了动态价值流。“四流”的流动体现多维度下的价值流动机理。资源流的构成是工业现场最常见的“产品 ‒ 人 ‒ 机 ‒ 料 ‒ 法 ‒ 环 ‒ 测”等要素,适合我国企业情境,是工业互联网常见联接要素。按照制造业的基本逻辑,如图1中实体维和资源维箭头方向所示,实体流和资源流朝着最终产品来流动、汇聚和增值。


《(四) 工业互联网生态系统模型的运行机理》

(四) 工业互联网生态系统模型的运行机理

《1. 市场需求串联下的实体流运行机理》

1. 市场需求串联下的实体流运行机理



在实体维上,企业实体未来核心竞争能力包括各企业实体之间供需关系的准确衔接、产品实体形态增值变化与顺畅流动以及企业实体对“供应链网”控制能力。以往的工业互联网研究更多地把研究重点放在了对“机 ‒ 料 ‒ 法 ‒ 环 ‒ 测”联接上,欠缺对人的联接考虑,包括如何联接人的操作技能、人的管理状态以及由人形成的企业协作关系。

《2. 产品价值加载过程的资源流运行机理》

2. 产品价值加载过程的资源流运行机理

资源维描述了企业研发、生产、运营和管理所需的“产品 ‒ 人 ‒ 机 ‒ 料 ‒ 法 ‒ 环 ‒ 测”资源的属性变化与流动状态。产品实体,不管其处于原材料、在研品、在制品、产成品、商品还是在用品阶段,都需要由其所有者(供应商、制造商、销售商、用户/维修商)来配置各种资源,支持该产品的研发、生产、销售、使用与维护。

技术含量和管理水平越来越高的“产品 ‒ 人 ‒ 机 ‒ 料 ‒ 法 ‒ 环 ‒ 测”,构成了支持企业生产、确保产品质量、配置各种资源的强大的资源流,而且这些术语高度适配中国企业工作语境。


《3. BDIKW模型支撑数智流运行机理》

3. BDIKW模型支撑数智流运行机理

数据 ‒ 信息 ‒ 知识 ‒ 智慧(DIKW)模型分为数据(D)、信息(I)、知识(K)、智慧(W)4个层次。本文在DIKW模型的基础上,提出了数字化BDIKW模型。以ASCII码为依据,以比特层(B)作为“数字化底座”来解构和重构传统的DIKW模型,形成了“万物源自比特”“数字化一切可以数字化事物”的数字化方法论。BDIKW模型由比特(B)层、数字化数据(D)层、数字化信息(I)层、数字化知识(K)层、数字化决策(W)层构成。其中,数字化决策层是由类人的机器智能做出决策 / 预测,或者人机共同做决策 / 预测。物理层由实体维和资源维组成,表示工业实体。工业实体映射到BDIKW模型中,BDIKW模型中的大数据、AI、5G、工业软件等ICT要素为工业实体赋能(见图2)。


图2 数智维上的BDIKW模型

比特是数字化编码符号,而符号的结构本质上是语义结构局部映射 [15]。如机械传动过程、数控机床、自动化生产线,从感知到处理、反馈、控制都是语义的。“符号+语义”构成了人类交流媒介,遵循BDIKW模式运行,引导人造系统走向智能。从符号到语义,从知识到智能,BDIKW模型中的诸要素遵循“比特↔数据↔信息↔知识↔决策”数字化认知过程,不断自底向上重构 / 升维,实现价值升级,或者自顶向下解构/降维,实现广义检索。BDIKW模型解析并阐明了数字化转型的基本工作原理。大数据、AI、5G、工业软件、数字孪生等ICT要素同样也遵循BDIKW模型的运行。

《4. 三. 流合一的动态价值流运行机理》

4. 三. 流合一的动态价值流运行机理

企业实体之间业务往来、需求传递、订单驱动、供应链互动,形成了实体流,并沿实体维流动;承载市场需求的产品,以订单积聚,驱动“产品 ‒ 人 ‒ 机 ‒ 料 ‒ 法 ‒ 环 ‒ 测”资源流,沿资源维流动;穿透企业实体壁垒的数字化数据 / 信息 / 知识汇聚成为数智流,沿数智维流动,不断数字化、解构和优化重构物理层;三流合一汇聚成动态价值流,映射了实体关系网络、资源网络和数据网络的运行逻辑(见图3)。


图3 IIEM中的动态价值流流动机理




IIEM给企业带来的最大好处是未来可以将其融入在工业互联网平台中,在用户无感的情况下应用该模型。笔者在自己开发的“产品化工业互联网”平台中已经初步验证了这一点 [16]。

《四、 工业互联网生态系统模型的应用》

四、 工业互联网生态系统模型的应用


《(一) 生态定位,选择合作伙伴》

(一) 生态定位,选择合作伙伴



《(二) 盘点资源,增长补短统筹》

(二) 盘点资源,增长补短统筹

按照资源维引导,分析既有企业资源的长处与短板,尽可能将企业的“产品 ‒ 人 ‒ 机 ‒ 料 ‒ 法 ‒ 环 ‒ 测”等资源接入工业互联网,明晰现有资源的时空位置、可用程度和安全性,判断哪些资源能够映射到数字空间,从而制定分阶段、分目标的企业数字化内容,更好地统筹、优化和配置资源。经过分析,迦南美地认为,首先应该按照主要产品 ‒ 工艺分类,实现绗机设备数字化、工人操作数字化,即“产品、人、机、法”的工艺数字化。

《(三) 载体转化,业务数据贯通》

(三) 载体转化,业务数据贯通

以往迦南美地记录数据 / 知识的载体通常为“人脑记忆+纸质载体”的传统载体形式,数据 / 知识的传播性和复用性均受到时空限制,在生产过程中经常出现数据差错。为此,迦南美地在数智维的启发与引导下,大力提倡将传统载体数据转换成电脑数据,让数据在软件赋能下,贯通企业各个业务环节,沿着“比特↔数据↔信息↔知识↔决策”的数智维,不断解构、重构原有业务模式,夯实适于工业互联网发展的数字化基础。此外,迦南美地还着重培养员工用数据说话的职业素养,既强调用好生产现场的数据,也重视用好人员管理的数据,基于工业互联网开展业务,从根本上消除数据传递障碍。

《(四) 知识驱动,人智机智齐升》

(四) 知识驱动,人智机智齐升

充分利用工业互联网上自动流动的数据和智能流动的知识,形成基于数据和知识的决策 / 预测,让企业从管理层到员工一起用数据说话,改变传统企业管理方式。智能流动的知识不仅能够提升机器智能(机智),同时反哺企业员工,提升员工智能(人智)。具备新型人智的员工数量和质量,将成为企业未来的竞争优势。

《(五) 管理升级,商业模式变革》

(五) 管理升级,商业模式变革



《五、 结语》

五、 结语




Received date:October 27, 2021;Revised date: July 2, 2022

Corresponding author:Liu Junyan is a lecturer from the College of Economics and Management, Qingdao University of Science and Technology. Her major research field is industrial engineering. E-mail: l_junyan@163.com

关键词: 工业互联网     生态系统     模型     数智流     动态价值流    

Value Engineering/Value Management Model and Application of Aerospace Projects

Wan-hua Qiu,Han-peng Zhang,Ze-Shui Xu,De-Sheng Wu

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2015年 第2卷 第4期   页码 373-377 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2015056

摘要: This paper presents a new space model developed by general value engineering/value management model. The authors take the function analysis, function optimization and function realization of the development object as the basic point, to get the final optimization structure by value evaluation, so as to improve the project quality and reduce the project cost. The final case shows that the application of this model can save about 18% of the time and considerable cost of the usually planned projects under the condition of quality assurance.

关键词: aerospace project     value engineering     value optimization     value stream     design structure matrix    

Higher heating value prediction of torrefaction char produced from non-woody biomass


《能源前沿(英文)》 2015年 第9卷 第4期   页码 461-471 doi: 10.1007/s11708-015-0377-3

摘要: The higher heating value of five types of non-woody biomass and their torrefaction char was predicted and compared with the experimental data obtained in this paper. The correlation proposed in this paper and the ones suggested by previous researches were used for prediction. For prediction using proximate analysis data, the mass fraction of fixed carbon and volatile matter had a strong effect on the higher heating value prediction of torrefaction char of non-woody biomass. The high ash fraction found in torrefied char resulted in a decrease in prediction accuracy. However, the prediction could be improved by taking into account the effect of ash fraction. The correlation developed in this paper gave a better prediction than the ones suggested by previous researches, and had an absolute average error (AAE) of 2.74% and an absolute bias error (ABE) of 0.52%. For prediction using elemental analysis data, the mass fraction of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen had a strong effect on the higher heating value, while no relationship between the higher heating value and mass fractions of nitrogen and sulfur was discovered. The best correlation gave an AAE of 2.28% and an ABE of 1.36%.

关键词: higher heating value     correlation     biomass     proximate analysis     ultimate analysis    

Value and governance of high-speed railway

Xiaoyan LIN, Zehua ZHANG, Meng WANG

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2017年 第4卷 第4期   页码 463-482 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2017054

摘要: This paper considers multiple perspectives to explore the concept of high-speed railway (HSR), rationally abstract its value formation mechanism, and quantitatively measure its actual performance. This paper analyzes the governance potential of major countries in the high-speed railway value chain and studies the feasible ways and development strategies to enhance the high-speed railway governance in China. Findings of this paper are as follows. First, the government, as the early manager of high-speed railway governance, has given way to Siemens and other integrated enterprises. Second, the high-speed railway standard output has become the core competitiveness that embodies high-speed railway. Third, the global high-speed railway market presents a hierarchical high-speed railway governance model and changes to a modular approach to governance.

关键词: high-speed railway value     communication value     high-speed railway value governance     governance path upgrade    

The value of epigenetic markers in esophageal cancer

Xiao-Mei ZHANG, Ming-Zhou GUO,

《医学前沿(英文)》 2010年 第4卷 第4期   页码 378-384 doi: 10.1007/s11684-010-0230-3

摘要: Developing esophageal cancer is a multi-step process that begins with the accumulation of genetic and epigenetic alterations, and leads to the activation of oncogenes and the inactivation or loss of tumor suppressor genes (TSG). In addition to genetic alteration, epigenetic modifications, and in particular DNA methylation, are recognized as a common molecular alteration in human tumors. In esophageal cancer, aberrant methylation of promoter regions occurs not only in advanced cancer, but also in premalignant lesions. DNA methylation is related to survival time and sensitivity of chemoradiotherapy. This review is mainly focused on epigenetic changes in esophageal cancer and the value of early detection for patient prognosis, treatment choices, and potential targeting therapy.

关键词: epigenetics     DNA methylation     esophageal cancer     dysplasia    

On the added value of multi-scale modeling of concrete

《结构与土木工程前沿(英文)》 2022年 第16卷 第1期   页码 1-23 doi: 10.1007/s11709-021-0790-0

摘要: This review of the added value of multi-scale modeling of concrete is based on three representative examples. The first one is concerned with the analysis of experimental data, taken from four high-dynamic tests. The structural nature of the high-dynamic strength increase can be explained by using a multi-scale model. It accounts for the microstructure of the specimens. The second example refers to multi-scale thermoelastic analysis of concrete pavements, subjected to solar heating. A sensitivity analysis with respect to the internal relative humidity (RH) of concrete has underlined the great importance of the RH for an assessment of the risk of microcracking of concrete. The third example deals with multi-scale structural analysis of a real-scale test of a segmental tunnel ring. It has turned out that multi-scale modeling of concrete enables more reliable predictions of crack opening displacements in tunnel segments than macroscopic models taken from codes of practice. Overall, it is concluded that multi-scale models have indeed a significant added value. However, its degree varies with these examples. In any case, it can be assessed by means of a comparison of the results from three sources, namely, multi-scale structural analysis, conventional structural analysis, and experiments.

关键词: experiments     multi-scale analysis     conventional structural analysis     concrete     reinforced concrete    

Observer design for induction motor: an approach based on the mean value theorem

Mohamed Yacine HAMMOUDI,Abdelkarim ALLAG,Mohamed BECHERIF,Mohamed BENBOUZID,Hamza ALLOUI

《能源前沿(英文)》 2014年 第8卷 第4期   页码 426-433 doi: 10.1007/s11708-014-0314-x

摘要: In this paper, observer design for an induction motor has been investigated. The peculiarity of this paper is the synthesis of a mono-Luenberger observer for highly coupled system. To transform the nonlinear error dynamics for the induction motor into the linear parametric varying (LPV) system, the differential mean value theorem combined with the sector nonlinearity transformation has been used. Stability conditions based on the Lyapunov function lead to solvability of a set of linear matrix inequalities. The proposed observer guarantees the global exponential convergence to zero of the estimation error. Finally, the simulation results are given to show the performance of the observer design.

关键词: observer design     differential mean value theorem (DMVT)     sector nonlinearity transformation     linear matrix inequalities (LMI)     induction motor    

Does oil price affect the value of firms? Evidence from Tunisian listed firms

Kaouther ZAABOUTI,Ezzeddine BEN MOHAMED,Abdelfettah BOURI

《能源前沿(英文)》 2016年 第10卷 第1期   页码 1-13 doi: 10.1007/s11708-016-0396-8

摘要: A new debate on the potential impact of oil price changes on the value of firms was initiated in this paper. Using a stochastic frontier approach, an attempt was made to derive the optimal value * of firms and calculate the value observed. Then the shortfall ( *– ) which represents the inefficiency term was explained. Starting from 19 industrial Tunisian firms listed on the Tunis Stock Exchange between 2007 and 2011, the fact that variation of oil prices can largely explain distortions in the value of firms was empirically demonstrated.

关键词: industrial Tunisian firms     oil price     value of firm     stochastic frontier approach    

Numerical study of internal flow field and flow passage improvement of an inlet particle separator

Florian PAOLI, Tong WANG

《能源前沿(英文)》 2011年 第5卷 第4期   页码 386-397 doi: 10.1007/s11708-011-0156-8

摘要: By performing gas flow field numerical simulations for several inlet Reynolds numbers (from 2 × 10 to 9 × 10 ) and byflow ratios (from 10% to 20%), the present study has proposed to improve the flow passage of an inlet particle separator. An adjacent objective of the study is to lower pressure losses of the inlet particle separator (IPS). No particle has been included in the gas flow for a -epsilon turbulence model. The velocity distribution in different sections and the pressure coefficient along the duct have been analyzed, which indicates that there exist important low-velocity regions and vortices in the separation area. Therefore, the profile of streamlines along the original passage has been considered. This profile illustrated a vacuum region in the same area. All investigations suggest that the separation area is the most critical one for fulfilling the objective on pressure losses limitation. Then the flow passage improvement method has focused on the separation area. An improved shape has been designed in order to suit smoothly to the streamlines in this region. Similar numerical studies as those for the original shape have been conducted on this improved shape, confirming some considerable enhancements compared with the original shape. The significant vortices which appear in the original shape reduce in amount and size. Besides, pressure losses are greatly decreased in both outlets (up to 30% for high Reynolds number) and the flow is uniform at the main outlet. Subsequent engineering surveys could rely on expressions obtained for in both outlets which extend the pressure losses for a wide range of inlet Reynolds numbers. As a result, the numerical calculations demonstrate that the flow passage improvement method applied in this study has succeeded in designing a shape which enhances the flow behavior.

关键词: streamlines     pressure losses     flow passage improvement     inlet particle separator (IPS)    

Selective preparation for biofuels and high value chemicals based on biochar catalysts

《能源前沿(英文)》 2023年 第17卷 第5期   页码 635-653 doi: 10.1007/s11708-023-0878-4

摘要: The reuse of biomass wastes is crucial toward today’s energy and environmental crisis, among which, biomass-based biochar as catalysts for biofuel and high value chemical production is one of the most clean and economical solutions. In this paper, the recent advances in biofuels and high chemicals for selective production based on biochar catalysts from different biomass wastes are critically summarized. The topics mainly include the modification of biochar catalysts, the preparation of energy products, and the mechanisms of other high-value products. Suitable biochar catalysts can enhance the yield of biofuels and higher-value chemicals. Especially, the feedstock and reaction conditions of biochar catalyst, which affect the efficiency of energy products, have been the focus of recent attentions. Mechanism studies based on biochar catalysts will be helpful to the controlled products. Therefore, the design and advancement of the biochar catalyst based on mechanism research will be beneficial to increase biofuels and the conversion efficiency of chemicals into biomass. The advanced design of biochar catalysts and optimization of operational conditions based on the biomass properties are vital for the selective production of high-value chemicals and biofuels. This paper identifies the latest preparation for energy products and other high-value chemicals based on biochar catalysts progresses and offers insights into improving the yield of high selectivity for products as well as the high recyclability and low toxicity to the environment in future applications.

关键词: biomass     biochar catalysts     biofuels     high chemicals    

Design of packing cup interference fit value of hypercompressors for low density polyethylene production

Da LEI,Xuehong LI,Yun LI,Xiwen REN

《能源前沿(英文)》 2019年 第13卷 第1期   页码 107-113 doi: 10.1007/s11708-017-0450-1

摘要: The hypercompressor is one of the core facilities in low density polyethylene production, with a discharge pressure of approximately 300 MPa. A packing cup is the basic unit of cylinder packing, assembled by the interference fit between an inner cup and an outer cup. Because the shrink-fitting prestresses the packing cup, serious design is needed to gain a favorable stress state, for example, a tri-axial compressive stress state. The traditional method of designing the interference fit value for packing cups depends on the shrink-fit theory for thick-walled cylinder subject to internal and external pressure. According to the traditional method, critical points are at the inner radii of the inner and external cup. In this study, the finite element method (FEM) has been implemented to determine a more accurate stress level of packing cups. Different critical points have been found at the edge of lapped sealing surfaces between two adjacent packing cups. The maximum Von Mises equivalent stress in a packing cup increases after a decline with the rise of the interference fit value. The maximum equivalent stress initially occurs at the bore of the inner cup, then at the edge of lapped mating surfaces, and finally at the bore of the outer cup, as the interference radius increases. The traditional method neglects the influence of axial preloading on the interference mating pressure. As a result, it predicts a lower equivalent stress at the bore of the external cup. A higher interference fit value accepted by the traditional method may not be feasible as it might already make packing cups yield at the edge of mating surfaces or the bore of the external cup. Along with fatigue analysis, the feasible range of interference fit value has been modified by utilizing FEM. The modified range tends to be narrower and safer than the one derived from the traditional method, after getting rid of shrink-fit values that could result in yielding in a real packing cup.

关键词: interference fit value     packing cup     hypercompressor     finite element method (FEM)    

Value Management Practices on Major Construction Projects and Green Building

Ru-jiang Zhao,Wung Hee Moh

《工程管理前沿(英文)》 2016年 第3卷 第2期   页码 147-157 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2016018

摘要: The paper starts with background information on value management (VM) in the construction industry and current development situation of the green building industry, and costs and profitability of green buildings. The paper continues with detailed analyses of the findings, covering new developments and perceptions of VM, and applications of VM in the industry. The paper also reports case studies on the practices adopted in the planning and design management phase of SIPO Guangdong Patent Examination Cooperation Center and in the construction management phase of Guangzhou International Bio-Island Standard Property Unit II project. As revealed by the practices, the value-adds and savings in construction costs through the application of VM are important for the developers, and the contributions of VM application in green building projects are significant to achieving the expected targets and to resolving the design and construction challenges encountered in the development of green building industry. And the paper presents, findings on how VM can improve construction management and coordination of several ongoing construction projects and on how VM can be systematically implemented by phases, and discussions on other potential benefits of using VM systems.

关键词: value management (VM)     VM theory and practices     Chinese construction industry     green buildings    

标题 作者 时间 类型 操作

Sustainable design of sanitation system based on material and value flow analysis for urban slum in Indonesia



The Building of Papermaking Enterprise’s Recycling Economy Evaluation Index System Based on Value Flow

Zhi-fang Zhou,Jing Ou,Sha-sha Wang,Xiao-hong Chen


An evaluation model of water-saving reconstruction projects based on resource value flows

Runwen JIANG, Xiaohong CHEN, Lingchu ZHAO, Zhifang ZHOU, Tao ZHANG



赵敏 ,刘俊艳 ,朱铎先


Value Engineering/Value Management Model and Application of Aerospace Projects

Wan-hua Qiu,Han-peng Zhang,Ze-Shui Xu,De-Sheng Wu


Higher heating value prediction of torrefaction char produced from non-woody biomass



Value and governance of high-speed railway

Xiaoyan LIN, Zehua ZHANG, Meng WANG


The value of epigenetic markers in esophageal cancer

Xiao-Mei ZHANG, Ming-Zhou GUO,


On the added value of multi-scale modeling of concrete


Observer design for induction motor: an approach based on the mean value theorem

Mohamed Yacine HAMMOUDI,Abdelkarim ALLAG,Mohamed BECHERIF,Mohamed BENBOUZID,Hamza ALLOUI


Does oil price affect the value of firms? Evidence from Tunisian listed firms

Kaouther ZAABOUTI,Ezzeddine BEN MOHAMED,Abdelfettah BOURI


Numerical study of internal flow field and flow passage improvement of an inlet particle separator

Florian PAOLI, Tong WANG


Selective preparation for biofuels and high value chemicals based on biochar catalysts


Design of packing cup interference fit value of hypercompressors for low density polyethylene production

Da LEI,Xuehong LI,Yun LI,Xiwen REN


Value Management Practices on Major Construction Projects and Green Building

Ru-jiang Zhao,Wung Hee Moh
